Thursday, July 30, 2009

We're back!

After a two and a half week wait, Southwest Gas finally got the gas line disconnected Monday, so we're now finally able to move forward.

The rebar was finished on Tuesday and we passed the inspection for it Wednesday.

Today the concrete contractor will start preparing to shoot the basement walls (they will be created with gunite, similar to how a pool is built). The preparation will take two days, so the gunite should be going in early next week, followed closely by the basement floor, which will be poured.

I'll get some pictures of the prep work for the gunite later today.

Oh, and here's a link to recipe that I highly recommend.
(editorial note: I had to double the recipe)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12, 2009

At this point most of the rebar is installed in the basement. The only part that isn't in yet is in the back corner where the gas line cuts across, and we're still waiting on Southwest Gas to come out and cut the gas line so that we can remove that section of pipe and get the rebar in place.

The green liner is a moisture barrier. For those of you keeping score in the home game, that's three layers of barriers. Seems a little overkill for Phoenix.

The concrete walls are scheduled for Wednesday, but that may well get pushed back if Southwest Gas doesn't get out on Monday to cap off the gas line.

Click here for all of today's pictures

Monday, July 6, 2009

Renovation - 7/6/2009

Today the moisture barrier was installed in the basement. Tomorrow the rebar should start going in in preparation for the gunite walls to be shot.

A PVC drain was also installed along the lower perimeter behind the moisture barrier to catch any water that might get down that far (which just seems silly, considering the miniscule amount of rainfall we get in the Phoenix area on an annual basis).

Click here for all of today's pictures.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Renovation - 7/2/2009

No new progress in the past few days. Southwest Gas should be out in about a week to cut the gas line.

In the meantime, the liner and rebar will start to go in, and hopefully the gas line will be re-routed in time to shoot the walls (they're going to be shot with gunite) next week.

In the absence of progess pictures, here's a picture of a sharp-dressed llama.