So I'm finally getting around to posting progress from the past couple of weeks.
The insulation foam was sprayed onto the underside of the roof two weeks ago, and the HVAC installation began a couple of days later.
The electric and the plumbing are both currently being installed. We are also currently working on getting bids for both solar hot water and solar photovoltaic electric systems. The south side of the second story roof will be shingled (as opposed to tiled with mexican clay tile) to accommodate the solar panels.
We also decided to eliminate the ductwork in the old hallway and raise that roof to 8 feet to match the existing bedrooms on that side of the house. The electric will also be upgraded in those rooms, as it is the old style wiring with no ground circuit.
Lastly, the windows arrived yesterday, and all the windows for the new construction were installed today. The last five will be done tomorrow - they are in the old part of the house, so the old windows have to be removed before the new ones go in.
here for a slew of new photos.